Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Alphabetic Index - Do you see in the distance yonder

Melvyn J. Hill1910.2
Philip Paul Bliss10 8 10 7 and refrain3
Franklin Lycurgus Eiland190510 8 10 8 r 8 8 10 85
Jennie Wilson18938 7 8 7 8 8 7 and refrain4
Edmund Simon Lorenz.None
Lumir Josef Ringsmuth191512 12 12 12 r 10 10 10 73
Stephen Van Rensselaer Ford.None
8 7 8 7 and refrain6
Eric Hubert Swinstead.1
Do your best while life Johnson Jr. Oatman10 7 10 7 and refrain4
Martha Mills Newton.None
Robert Drew Atherly1818.None
DOERS OF THE WORD++. Daniel Webster Whittle18808 7 8 7 8 r 7 8 74
John Newton (b. 1725)8 8 8 8 (L.M.)7
Frank E. Graeff1901.4
Benjamin Beddome18188 6 8 6 (C.M.)4
John Newton (b. 1725)7 7 7 78
Benjamin Beddome18187 7 7 7 D2
William Hiley Bathurst.None
Does the old nature still remain Or am I++. Benjamin Beddome18188 6 8 6 (C.M.)5
William Thomas Hadley1896.3
George Thomas Coster.None
Jennie Wilson.None
George Herbert
John Wesley
John Wesley
1633,17386 6 8 6 (S.M.)6
Christopher Ruby Blackall18856 6 6 6 and refrain8
Christopher Ruby Blackall18856 6 6 6 and refrain8
George Cooper.2
Jennie Wilson.None
Ian Smale©1987 Thankyou Music.None
Karen Lafferty©1981 Maranatha Musi.None
Becky Davis.None
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby.3
Stella May Thompson.None
Martin J. Nystrom
Don Harris
©1993 Integrity’s Ho.None
Vernon John Charlesworth.7
John Melvin Henson1933.None
Ida Lilliard Reed.None
Brian Doerksen©1994 Mercy/Vineyard.None
Frederick W. Suffield1920.5
William W. Benson1947.None
William W. Benson1947.None
8 7 8 7 and refrain4
Edna R. Worrell.None
Haldor Lillenas©1925 Haldor Lillena.None
Marty Sampson
Joel Houston
Jonathon Douglass
©2004 Hillsong Music.None
Samuel Stennett17878 6 8 6 (C.M.) and refra2
Daniel (Dion) de Marbelle1887.3
Harriet D. Castle19008 3 8 3 r 8 8 8 35
Grace Weiser Davis.None
Charles Austin Miles.None
Bruce Borneman
Judi Borneman
©1980 Maranatha Musi.None
Caleb Jarvis Taylor.None
Franklin Lycurgus Eiland.None
Horatius Bonar6 6 6 6 8 85
Paul Wigmore© Jubilate Hymns.None
Kevin Prosch©1991 Mercy/Vineyard.None
Stella May Thompson8 8 8 66
Katharyn Bacon.None
Katharyn Bacon.None
DOOR++. John Dobell8 6 8 6 (C.M.)3
Julia Harriette Johnston.None
Jennie Wilson.None
Jean Mauburn
Elizabeth Rundle Charles
Elizabeth Rundle Charles
1494,18687 6 7 6 7 7 5 7 7 53
A. C. Cidenton19078 7 8 7 r 8 7 8 74
Benjamin Beddome.None
King Louis IX of France
John Athelstan Laurie Riley
John Athelstan Laurie Riley
13 cent,19067 6 7 6 7 7 64
John Hopkins1562,18128 6 8 6 (C.M.)9
8 7 8 7 and refrain5
Eliza Edmunds Hewitt.4
Benjamin Beddome18188 6 8 6 (C.M.)5
Judson Wheeler van de Venter.None
Elisha Albright Hoffman18789 9 9 5 and refrain4
Charles Austin Miles.None
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette© Carolyn Winfrey Gi.None
Stella May Thompson.None
William E. Booth-Clibborn1921.3
Pratts Collection8 8 8 8 (L.M.)3
Elton Menno Roth192110 6 10 6 and refrain3
Paul Rader19188 6 8 6 (C.M.)3
12 12 12 125
Michael A. Parry© Jubilate Hymns10 10 10 10None
Eliza Edmunds Hewitt.4
8 8 8 8 D (D.L.M.) and refrain3
Joseph Proud8 6 8 6 (C.M.)5
J. Carter1881,18966 6 6 5 D and refrain3
Isaac Watts8 6 8 6 (C.M.)5
10 9 10 9 r 10 9 10 9None
George W. Cooke.6
Edmund Simon Lorenz.None
Jennie Wilson.None
8 6 8 6 (C.M.) and refra4
S. C. Theodore Ramsey
S. C. Theodore Ramsey
11 10 11 10 and refrain4
William Orcutt Cushing1878.3
8 7 8 7 and refrain5
Philip Paul Bliss7 4 7 4 and refrain6
Philip Paul Bliss1873.6
Elisha Albright Hoffman.None
Longfellow11 10 11 102
Frederick Arthur Jackson8 7 8 7 D and refrain3
Andy Park©1994 Mercy/Vineyard.None
Scott T. Wilkinson1990.3
Jennie Wilson.None
Eliza Edmunds Hewitt10 9 10 10 and refrain4
Fred Kaan© 1968 by Hope Publ6 6 6 6 6 and refrainNone
Paul Wigmore© Jubilate Hymns.None
Samuel Francis Smith18326 6 8 6 (S.M.)4
Christopher M. Idle© Jubilate Hymns8 8 8 8 8 8None
Edwin Francis Hatfield6 6 4 6 6 6 41
8 6 8 6 (C.M.)1
Isaac Watts8 6 8 6 (C.M.)1
6 6 8 6 (S.M.)1
Isaac Watts8 8 8 8 8 81
7 6 7 6 D1
Isaac Watts6 6 8 6 (S.M.)1
8 8 8 8 (L.M.)1
11 11 11 111
6 6 4 6 6 6 41
6 6 8 6 (S.M.)1
Thomas (Bishop) Ken16748 8 8 8 (L.M.)1
7 7 7 7 7 71
7 7 7 7 7 71
Isaac Watts8 6 8 6 (C.M.)1
8 8 8 8 (L.M.)1
8 7 8 7 D1
Isaac Watts8 8 8 8 (L.M.)1
8 8 6 8 8 61
Benjamin Beddome18188 6 8 6 (C.M.)4
Robert Critchley©2000 Thankyou Music.None
Geoff Roberts
Judith Roberts
©1996 Thankyou Music.None
Clara McAlister Brooks19118 6 8 6 r 5 5 9 54
Clara McAlister Brooks19118 6 8 6 r 5 5 9 54
Kelly Carpenter©1994 Mercy/Vineyard.None
Dean Ussher© Dean Ussher/Hillsi.None
Elisha Albright Hoffman18987 7 7 7 and refrain4
Stuart DeVane
Glenn Gore
©1987 Mercy/Vineyard.None
Elisha Albright Hoffman18987 7 7 7 and refrain4
Ian Hannah©2001 Thankyou Music8 7 8 7 DNone
Bruce McGrail©1974 W. B. McGrail.None
Ida Lilliard Reed18935 5 5 5 D r 7 93
Roger Mayor© Jubilate Hymns.None
David Gate©1997 Thankyou Music.None
Ida Lilliard Reed18935 5 5 5 D r 7 93
Ida Lilliard Reed18935 5 5 5 D r 7 93
Dave Doran©2001 Thankyou Music.None
Helen G. Pierce18868 7 8 7 r 8 7 8 74
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby187510 7 10 7 and refrain4
Charles Austin Miles.None
Bartholommäus Crasselius.None
Lelia Naylor Morris.None
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby.None
Gerhard Tersteegen
Emma Frances Shuttleworth Bevan
Emma Frances Shuttleworth Bevan
Brian Houston
Tom Brock
©2002 Thankyou Music.None
Benjamin Beddome18188 6 8 6 (C.M.)3
Baylus Benjamin McKinney©1940 Baylus Benjami.None
Judson Wheeler van de Venter.None
Stella May Thompson.None
John Melvin Henson1925.None
J. S. Kimbrough1906.None
J. S. Kimbrough1906.None
Bangor Antiphoner
John Mason Neale
John Mason Neale
c.690,185110 1015
William George Tarrant.None
Colbert Croft
Joyce Croft
©1981 Word Music (UK11 11 7 7 11None
Thomas MacKellar.None
Jeremy Taylor1655,1853,186810 10 10 103
John Melvin Henson1925.None
Lucy Larcom18926 4 6 4 6 6 6 43
James Edmeston6 6 8 6 (S.M.)5
Percy Dearmer19318 7 8 7 8 73
Friedrich Funcke
August Crull
August Crull
16868 7 8 75
Henry L. Frisbie.None
Daniel Webster Whittle8 7 8 7 and refrain4
David Lyle Morris
Faith Forster
Genevieve Mary Irons18808 8 8 610
Thomas Cotterill8 7 8 74
James Rowe8 8 8 8 (L.M.) and refrain4
Isaac Watts8 6 8 6 (C.M.)12
Noel Richards
Ken Riley
©2001 Thankyou Music.None
Katharyn Bacon.None
Katharyn Bacon.None
Henry R. Trickett.None
Frank A. Simpkins18998 6 9 7 r 8 7 10 84
7 6 7 6 and refrain4
Ulysses Phillips9 9 9 9 with refrain4
Frank A. Simpkins18998 6 9 7 r 8 7 10 84
Katharyn Bacon.None
J. J. Sims.4
Allie Toland Criss.None
J. S. Kimbrough1905.None
Katharyn Bacon.None
Lizzie Ashbaugh.None
James Rowe1915.3
7 7 7 7 D4
Thomas Hastings7 6 7 6 D3
Alfred Beirly.None
Phineas Fletcher163310 103
John Bowring.None
Alfred Beirly.None
Martin Luther
W. George Cooper.None
Haldor Lillenas191511 7 11 7 and refrain4
James Montgomery7 7 7 7 7 73
Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans8 6 8 6 (C.M.)6
Unknown7 7 7 7 D4
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby8 7 8 7 and refrain4
Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby8 7 8 7 and refrain4
Edmund Simon Lorenz.None
Casey Corum©2003 Mercy/Vineyard.None
Charles Austin Miles1911.4
John Newton (b. 1725)17797 7 7 79
7 7 7 7 and refrain5
Grace Clement© Grace Clement7 7 7 6None
Clara McAlister Brooks19187 7 11 7 7 11 r 11 11 11 114
Martha Mills Newton.None
Anne Steele8 8 8 8 (L.M.)5
Alexander Pope1712.6
Thomas Hastings1931-27 6 7 6 D4
Katharyn Bacon.None
Daniel Webster Whittle1893,189610 10 10 10 and refrain4
Stephen Dean©1987 Stephen Dean.None
The Roman Missal©1973 International.None
Seoirse Bodley©1981 Seoirse Bodley.None

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